The university of virginia alumni association

Alumni Association Utilizes Touch Technology and Wireless Presenting to Ease the Burden on the IT Department by Making Meetings Flow Effortlessly

The University of Virginia Alumni Association searched for a solution that was simple to use to help the alumni association deliver the best support to all of the alumni and the University. The alumni association embraced the modern touchscreen technology and wireless presenting to optimize their meetings and increasing productivity while making things more efficient with less requests for the IT department to help troubleshoot meeting presentations.

"I love it! The touchscreen, and the ease of using it!"

“Consider DisplayTen as one of the top choices."

"I've conducted several training sessions with staff and they found it quick and easy to manipulate."

Ellen McCree - Sr. Systems Analyst

Customer profile
University of Virginia Alumni Association

Industry Higher Education
Organization Size 75 employees

The Alumni Association keeps its members and friends involved in the University’s present. No matter how far away (either in time or location) alumni have traveled from Charlottesville, their views on the governance of today’s University are represented.

The Alumni Association assists and encourages connections between alumni and students by hosting joint discussions on the Honor System, cosponsoring alumni-student job fairs, administering the UVA Fund, sending Alumni Association members, friends and family the quarterly Virginia Magazine, and overseeing other important initiatives and activities. Through active involvement with the Association while still on Grounds, students are cultivated to assume the mantle of “University caretaker” when they become alumni. In partnership with the University of Virginia, and through its own mission and goals,the Alumni Association plays an active role in the institution’s future as well.

A need for the right equipment

The lack of proper equipment in meeting rooms can be very frustrating for everyone in the organization. The University of Virginia Alumni Association encountered these problems with not having the right equipment available in their meeting rooms. It became cumbersome to display presentation in their meetings as team members would have to check out loaner laptops and projectors.

They would have to move equipment from room to room.

All of this was very taxing on the IT department as many requests were submitted for help for any meeting presentations. It was very time consuming for the IT department to have to maintain more laptops and projectors.

There were many inefficiencies facing their organization which drove them to find a solution that was simple to use, had minimal maintenance, and was simple to connect and present wirelessly.

Making meetings easy

The University of Virginia Alumni Association found their solution to the difficulties they were facing with such mundane tasks like displaying meeting presentations. They were looking for something simple to use for staff and guests that was low maintenance and affordable. In the end, they choose two 70" DTEN Interactive White boards.

"Having the monitor and built-in PC mounted in the conference rooms make meetings so much easier now!"

DisplayTen had been able to deliver a simple and easy to use solution for very typical problems that many organizations face with meeting room equipment. Gone are the days where the IT department has to move around laptops and projectors to all the different conference rooms.

The team is now able to present wirelessly and with ease. The touch capability has allowed the Alumni Association to fully control their content from the interactive display while being able to whiteboard or annotate the shared content.

"I've conducted several training sessions with staff and they found it quick and easy to manipulate."

The University of Virginia Alumni Association have been completely satisfied with their two 70-inch DTEN Interactive Whiteboard.

"I love it! The touchscreen, and the ease of using it!"

Recently, The University of Virginia Alumni Association ordered two 84-inch DTEN Interactive Whiteboards to add to their collection.

Q: Do you think the investment in the DisplayTen products were worthwhile?

A: "YES!”

Q: What is your advice to others that might be considering our product?

A: “Consider DisplayTen as one of the top choices."